Also note that if your access to the files is slow I suggest you use FirstClass, Hotline, or FTP.
Images for MacOS software
Get Mac emulators here
Other MacOS-related files here
ROMs for various old-world Mac revisions
Games for MacOS
Utilities for the Mac
Fonts for classic Macs
Tools for developing for classic Mac
Tools for creating graphics
Drivers for classic Mac hardware
Text editors and Word Processors
Emulators that run under Classic MacOS
Important MacOS Patches
Screen savers for classic MacOS
Files for managing audio files/content
Manage and print calendars
Desktop publishing for classic Macs
Database tools for classic Macs
Apps and tools for use on the Internet
Spreadsheet tools
Items that need to be sorted into other categories, Please comment the file with the category you think it belongs in.
Networking Drivers
CAD tools for MacOS
Business-related Apps
Classic Mac Service Manuals
Disks & CD's that were on magazines
Education and edutainment files
Science and Math applications & tools
Word tools and apps
Classic DA's
Diagnostics Tools
Encryption Tools
File archives from Mac user groups
Video apps
Navigation and trip planning apps
Book files
Files about Sports
Reference materials
Manuals for Macs
Novelty and fun apps
Icons for classic Macs
Mac files related to the Newton
HyperCard Stacks
Files for MacOS 9
Collections of software
Control panels and extensions
Files for OS8
Compilations of games
Newssletter files
Apps that require color
Software for making backups
Software for making and burning CD/DVD images
Wallpapers for classic Macs
Multimedia collections
Security tools
eBooks for/about classic macs
Desk accessories
Creative apps for classic Macs
Literature for classic Macs
- RAM Memory Needed (MB): 8
- Versions of MacOS supported: 7.5.3
- RAM Memory Needed (MB): 8
- Versions of MacOS supported: 7.5.3